
The Rodan Foundation’s Publication for The Love Awakening

March 2025

The Love Awakening (TLA) is the service arm of The Rodan Foundation. The TLA offers self-empowerment tools and courses designed to help you awaken and reclaim your personal power through positive living. We live the power of love through volunteer efforts  supporting the people and the environment in our local and extended communities.   


Our mission is to assist humanity in awakening to the power of love.  Our intention is to help others awaken to who they truly are and use that awakening for the greater good. Our vision is the collective awakening of humanity, bringing forth harmony and unity for all. Join us as we learn and grow in the ways of living love and loving life!    

 Loving Every Moment 

We are here to celebrate our humanity and our earth knowing that love begins with me and with you. We are magnificent beings of love with the creative powers of our thoughts and feelings to manifest our grandest hopes, dreams and pure potentials. When we come from our heart, we create with the highest attributes of our individual and collective potential. Living each moment with love reveals the beauty and wonder that is forever present in and around us.


Moment by moment we are creating our personal journey of life. Each thought we entertain and every emotion we feel is an expression of our corporeal nature as embodied humans on this fantastic planet. Where we choose to focus, and how we interpret our reality, is just the beginning of this amazing adventure. Going within, we realize joy is the wellspring of our inner nature and the source of our creativity. There is so much more to us than what we presently consider ourselves to be.

We are beings of love and powerful creators with choice in how we think and feel. We can change the momentum of any situation, circumstance or challenge just by and acknowledging our personal power. When we know our grandness, we open the door for new ideas, inspiration and solutions. When we embrace and accept ourselves with compassion and kindness, we realize the one heart that unites all of us upon this precious planet. When we treat ourselves with dignity, we naturally approach all others in the same way. What we have within we give out; what we give out comes back in full measure. We change the world by aligning and becoming the example of the world we desire to experience.

A simple smile changes everything. When we are happy and at peace with ourselves, then judgment, doubt and worry dissolve and in it is place, worthiness, integrity, respect and benevolence flourish. As we thrive in our ever-expanding self-awareness, knowing our personal power, we bring the example of kindliness and wellbeing wherever we are and wherever we go.

Like our planet, we are made from the stardust that gives birth to new worlds and in the same way, we have the power of our loving intention to consciously shape the evolving and expanding realities of our collective consciousness. There is so much good abounding all around us, it is up to us to nurture and cultivate this goodness. When we start on the solid foundation of love, everything and anything is possible.

 Love and hugs,                                                                                                                                                           Harold Becker                                                                                                                                                       The Love Foundation 

The "I Love Me" MeditationTM

The "I Love Me" Meditation is a simple and profound heart-centered practice of generating your personal frequency of love.  It will teach you how to activate your natural capacity to generate and experience love through conscious awareness and conscious choice.  This practice helps us to awaken.  It encourages personal empower-ment, greater self-esteem and self-discovery as we learn practical means of replacing fear and negative frequency with the most powerful force in the universe: Love! 

The “I Love Me” meditation series and the “Embrace of Acceptance” series are available on the free Insight Timer App. To listen, download the app or visit 

                                     Upcoming March Activities and Volunteer Events 

Pacific Beach Coalition's 

Montara Beach Clean-Up

March 8th:  9 a.m. - 11 a.m.                            Picnic/Meditation time follows

Please contact Vanessa Stubbs to coordinate the carpooling. Each attendee must fill out the PBC liability form prior to joining the clean-up.  

The Embrace of LoveTM

The Embrace of LoveTM is a guided meditation series which uses profound philosophy and gentle guidance to deepen your healing relationship with yourself as you are connected with the empowering presence of acceptance.  Listen to a free recording on The Love Awakening's website and discover more about our organization and activities:


Experience a video podcast of Rev. Clarke Carraway's inspired Presentation of Truth.

"Like" The Love Awakening on Facebook and join our community.


There’s something I don’t quite understand about the world, and I don’t know that I ever will. There are many people throughout history who have been wealthy beyond measure, protected and safe from threat, in touch with the most influential people — They have everything. Yet they desire to continue imposing their will on others. And it comes at the expense of the well-being of so many people — They start wars, destroy villages, and cripple economies to acquire more power than they already have. For what reason? Again I will never understand, but all I know is it’s unfortunate.

     While it may seem impossible to defeat these figures, there is one force that when harnessed can conquer even the most domineering of people. The legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix put it best — “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”  There is something about love that is so human, so visceral, that makes it the most influential force in the world. People are willing to put aside their own dreams and desires, and even sacrifice their own lives for someone they love or an ideal that they believe in. Love is the greatest expression of our spirit and when we allow ourselves to love unconditionally it becomes transformational in our lives and the lives of the people we care most about.

     So if you want to be a part of this force, the army of love that can heal wounds and champion positive change, you need to embody love. And that starts within yourself, you can only love others as much as you love yourself. Because love is a spark that needs to first light inside you and then be spread in everything you touch.

     It’s only through the power of love can we overcome the love of power, and make the world a better place. That’s what I want, and if you want to join me, then get self-aware and ask yourself this question — What is keeping you from loving more?                            Brian Ford,