The Rodan Foundation's Publication for the Metaphysical Church of Enlightenment, March 2025
In 1981, Reverend Clarke Carraway founded The Rodan Foundation with the intention of creating a powerful, growing community of awakening beings who experience love, peace, prosperity, unity, healing, harmony, and revelation through learning and service. The Rodan Foundation, recognizing the Law of Cause and Effect, expresses gratitude for the many blessings it reaps from the community's experiences.

Welcome! Join with us in our dynamic weekly services where we discover our true purpose in an emerging world. Experience the revelation of our collective awakening to the power of love, the wonder of our multi-dimensional capacities, and the joy in reclaiming earth as our home. Sunday mornings provide the opportunity to celebrate life with like-minded beings and experience personal reassurance and empowerment through the spiritual messages of Reverend Carraway's mediumship. We look forward to your participation enhancing our community.

The message in the equinox is to realize that from the darkest times during winter comes the light! In retrospect we must not let the darkness overwhelm us. As in a number of different circumstances, the most difficult, challenging times serve as catalysts for our own personal growth or transformation as a race. This is why it’s important to go within and focus on our inner light. As the spring breaks out, with a focus on your inner light, literally or metaphorically speaking, what seeds could you plant that will blossom out into something really worth while or even great? The equinox is an opportunity to re-affirm our intention for creating peace by tapping into our heart coherence. That means, thinking, acting, feeling and coming from the heart. Choosing to live your life in a high vibratory state must involve doing your inner work. It has been said that in this high vibratory state, you have made it to the promised land of the 5D experience! How well can you keep this 5D experience going?
As a product of doing your inner work, you have effectively released the energetic weight of your traumas through healing and training. You overcome knee-jerk reactions, gaining greater control of your emotions. Essentially, you run your mind rather than have it running you. Maintaining balance is key. A balance between work and personal life, while bringing peace and harmony… Consider this Buddhist statement, “The source of suffering is desire.” Many people spend their time suffering over things they desire but cannot have, living their lives focused on the 5-sense, 3D material wants and desires. Even as adults they still have the child’s notion: “I want therefore I should have.” And when I don’t get it, I resent that… Acting the grown up and growing as a 5D heart-based individual means choosing to live a life based on “having what you have,” NOT “having what you don’t have.”
The equinox marks the triumph of light over darkness. It’s no coincidence that we see nature waking up. As nature starts to wake up again you too can bloom and blossom! Utilizing the sun in conjunction with your internal heart light (inner light) is an opportunity for bringing in peace as you navigate the solar. Now’s the time to get in touch with your soul’s yearnings as new inspirations start to emerge. This is a time for meditation to reflect on your inner world to maintain peace and emotional balance. Maybe this is also a time to start a journal to write down: *What areas could you develop more balance. *Have you been putting off something that needs dealing with? *What are your priorities? What are your intentions…? *How committed are you to success? *What energies do you have that could be more aligned with your personal effectiveness…? Now’s the time to make a fresh start to plant those seeds (literal or metaphorical). Finally, when we make the conscious decision to connect ourselves with nature’s cycles, having the necessary level of awareness, we get a more profound understanding of our personal growth.
In love and light, Paul Phillips, 2025
Calendar of Events and Special Offerings
MARCH 2ND: HANSON GUO PIANO SOLO! Hanson Guo is an eighth grader at Ralston Middle School in Belmont. Studying piano, and classical/jazz trombone, Hanson performs in various recitals and musical events. He is a member of the Honors Band and Jazz Band at the Ralston Middle School and also a member of the prestigious Peninsula Youth Orchestra. Besides his passion for music, he has a brown belt in karate and is a Boy Scout!
GUEST LECTURE BY MARYANN GUTOFF. MaryAnn is a certified BodyTalk practitioner dedicated to exploring the healing power of love. An active member of the Rodan Foundation community for 25 years, she uses the lessons learned here to live a deeply fulfilling life. Today MaryAnn will expand on “Frequencies Speak.”
MARCH 9TH: LIGHTHOUSE STRING BAND! Join us for an uplifting musical experience with The Lighthouse String Band, a group of talented musicians from all over the Bay Area, playing mostly Scottish and Irish music through a wide range number of exciting instruments, from violin to mandolin, fiddle, guitar to accordion.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH DR. FOSTER: Reverend Carraway channels his primary spiritual teacher today, Dr. Robert Foster, who will field questions from the congregation.
TESTIMONIAL CIRCLE: After the service, everyone is invited to join an informal testimonial circle, where participants share how they are living positivity and love in their daily lives. Bring miracles, large & small. Or just come and be present in the sharing.
MARCH 16TH: JEREMY QIU PIANO SOLO! Jeremy Qui is in his 7th-grade at Synapse School in Menlo Park. Studying under Ms. Sumi Nagasawa's guidance, Jeremy is trying Level 7 out of 10 levels, of the MTAC's 2025 State Piano Exam. He enjoys sharing his love of music and exploring new pieces and duet repertoire with his younger sister in his spare time. Beyond piano, Jeremy is passionate about robotics programs and was part of a team that advanced to the VEX - World Championship. He also loves playing soccer and ping pong.
GUEST LECTURE: LOUISE KARR: Louise Karr, born and raised in San Francisco, has led a life dedicated to family, community service, and personal growth, balancing both professional and spiritual pursuits. From her roles as a marriage and family therapist to her active involvement in local volunteer efforts and spiritual journeys, she continues to inspire others with her resilience and commitment to positive change. Today Louise will facilitate a discussion on ‘One of the Constants in Life is Change.’
MARCH 20TH: SPRING EQUINOX, Pacific Time: 2:01 a.m.
MARCH 23RD: LEESA DILALLO WAGNER VOCAL CELEBRATION! Long time friend of The Foundation, vocalist Leesa has a varied background in the entertainment field from MTV, Comedy Central to Max's Opera Café. Leesa, first and foremost, has dedicated her life to her children, working for over twenty years several part time jobs to support her family. In addition to also being a volunteer teacher, Leesa is currently working with adults with cerebral palsy and brightening their days. Today she will be accompanied by Rudy Ramirez, an instructor at CSM. Today Rev. Carraway will be lecturing on ‘Creator’s Game Twins.’
MARCH 30TH: THE SEASON OF US! (Troubadours of a New Millennium) is a Heartfelt Musical Duo that plays exclusively from a Conscious Loving Space. Stephanie Greivell performs on the Alto and C Foot Flute. Bill Stanfield plays all Guitars (6 and 12 – Acoustic and Electric). Their music incorporates a madrid of musical styles - their Infectious Grooves can't help but stimulate your spirit and touch you at a Deep Soul Level. Today we will show a previous Dr. Foster trance lecture on: ‘Your Internal Guidance System.’
Healing Community: Beginning at 9:45 during our meditation, please tune into your realm of perfection and release your concerns and receive the benefit perfection has to offer you. The Rodan Foundation holds prayer for our List of Divine Fulfillment, a list of recognition. It is so named because our community praises and recognizes the outpicturing of love and perfection in the lives of those on the list. If you wish to participate with our List, we invite you to place the names & situations for which you desire help in our healing basket on our greeter’s table.
Testimonial Circle: On the second Sunday of the month, everyone is invited to join an informal testimonial circle, where participants share how they are living positivity and love in their daily lives. Bring miracles, large & small. Or just come and be present in the sharing.
The Haven: The Spiritual Evolution Class: Channeled through the mediumship of Reverend Carraway, the Tuesday evening class provides an in-depth opportunity to experience expanding awareness of self and life. It is an ongoing flow of revelation designed to promote personal awakening and responsibility, transformation and empowerment. For more information, please speak with Reverend Carraway after the service.
The I Love Me Meditation Series: is now available on Insight Timer – a meditation website and app with millions of meditations available to listen to for free! Every time one of our meditations is played, a donation is sent to The Foundation. You can give financially to The Rodan Foundation, just by listen-ing to the meditations. Sounds like a win-win for sure! You can also greatly support us by giving us stars, and commenting, and sharing the meditations on social media. Please Spread the word and share with others.**
Our Community Love Offertory for the Month of March
Supports Samaritan House
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Reverend Carraway is available for spiritual counseling, Jin Shin Do sessions, as well as for ceremonies marking mile stones in life. For more information, please see him after the Sunday service at The Metaphysical Church of Enlightenment or contact us.