The Rodan Foundation's Publication for the Metaphysical Church of Enlightenment, December 2024
In 1981, Reverend Clarke Carraway founded The Rodan Foundation with the intention of creating a powerful, growing community of awakening beings who experience love, peace, prosperity, unity, healing, harmony, and revelation through learning and service. The Rodan Foundation, recognizing the Law of Cause and Effect, expresses gratitude for the many blessings it reaps from the community's experiences.
Welcome! Join with us in our dynamic weekly services where we discover our true purpose in an emerging world. Experience the revelation of our collective awakening to the power of love, the wonder of our multi-dimensional capacities, and the joy in reclaiming earth as our home. Sunday mornings provide the opportunity to celebrate life with like-minded beings and experience personal reassurance and empowerment through the spiritual messages of Reverend Carraway's mediumship. We look forward to your participation enhancing our community.
Most of us are interested in ways to decrease stress, improve sleep, and stimulate brain growth and memory. And yet, research shows that silence does all of this and more. In a world where we carry our favorite music in our back pocket; engage in long-distance conversations anywhere, anytime; and listen to podcasts, audio books or funny Youtube videos on demand, silence is often elusive.
A recent study indicates that not only is silence difficult to find, but we actively avoid it. In an experiment where individuals were given the choice of sitting in silence with their thoughts, or in-flicting an electrical shock upon themselves, the results were surprising. Even though participants had previously stated that they would pay money to avoid being shocked, 67% of the men and 25% of women chose to inflict it on themselves rather than sit quietly and think for 15 minutes.
As we head into the busy holiday season, it is important to prioritize making some time for silence and rest. While it can be difficult to carve out or choose time for solitude and reflection, there are a few key reasons for us as leaders to do so:
1. Healthy Relationships: Relationships are critical to our health and wellbeing. In today’s busy, digi-tally-driven world, our longing for deep relationships is greater than ever. Often we substitute noise and a sense of connectedness for true relationships. Writer Johnathan Franzen describes that “our infatuation with technology provides an easy alternative to love.” Ironically, it is often silence and solitude that allow us the understanding and peace to engage in deep, caring, healthy relationships more regularly. Thomas Merton, in No Man Is an Island, explains: “The man who fears to be alone will never be anything but lonely, no matter how much he may surround himself with people. But the man who learns, in solitude and recollection, to be at peace with his own loneliness, and to pre-fer its reality to the illusion of merely natural companionship, comes to know the invisible compan-ionship of God. Such a one is alone with God in all places, and he alone truly enjoys the companion-ship of other men, because he loves them in God.”
2. Effective Leadership: Leaders today are confronting increasingly complex problems in ever-changing environments. More than ever, we need time and space to clear the clutter from our minds and focus on the challenges we confront. Author and speaker, Sarah Ban Breathnach, explains, “Usually, when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time. Time to dream, time to contemplate what's working and what's not, so that we can make changes for the better.” Kate Murphy, in her article, No Time to Think says, “You can’t solve or let go of problems if you don’t allow yourself time to think about them. It’s an imperative ignored by our culture, which values doing more than thinking and believes answers are in the palm of your hand rather than in your own head.” I would add that sometimes the answers are whispered in our heart. When we fail to listen, in silence and solitude, we may miss the best answers to issues we are facing.
3. Identity and Purpose: In a study by anthropologist Emily Martin, an eleven-year-old girl from a broken home, who bounces between three households, explains that in each of these households the rules are different and so is she. Her identity, like that of many of us today, is defined by an external context. This translates easily into the virtual world, where our identities can be fluid and adaptable. Unfortunately, this also makes us vulnerable to confusion, depression, and a lack of confidence. Si-lence and reflection is the space where we can listen to our own heart and identify our identity and purpose. Carl Sandburg describes this beautifully when he says the following: “A man must find time for himself. Time is what we spend our lives with. If we are not careful we find others spending it for us. . . It is necessary now and then to go away and experience loneliness; to sit on a rock in the forest and to ask, 'Who am I, and where have I been, and where am I going?' If one is not care-ful, one allows diversions to take up one's time—the stuff of life.”
As leaders, may we prioritize silence and reflection, benefiting from the rest and understanding that come from these disciplines. More importantly, may we model these critical practices for those younger than us who are in danger of living lives full of noise and distraction, without understanding the beauty and healing of silence and solitude. By Jolene Erlacher,
Calendar of Events and Special Offerings
DECEMBER 1ST: ELLIS CHIANG PIANO SOLO! Ellis Chiang is an 8th grader at Ralston Middle School in Belmont. At the age of seven, Ellis started learning to play the piano from his father and is now under Ms. Sumi Nagasawa's guidance. At school, Ellis likes science and math and enjoys being in his school’s advanced chorus. He has been taking Chinese classes for many years. He has earned a 2nd-degree black belt in Taekwondo and competes at sparring tournaments. He also trains in Filipino martial arts with his mother. He designs 3D computer models for the Roblox video game he is developing. He enjoys going fishing with his father.
Today Reverend Carraway - Pre-recorded Lecture: ''Trust the Universe: It Knows!'
DECEMBER 8TH: HAMMERED DULCIMER DUETS! Performed by Jim Wells and Marie Carbonneau. Join with us as Jim and Marie create an atmosphere of calm, joy and perhaps nostalgia as they bring the hammered dulcimers to life. We may also feel a touch of whimsy and liveliness from the percussive nature of the hammers. Why the dulcimer virtually disappeared during the first half of the 20th century is something of a mystery, but possibly it was due to competition from the more fash-ionable piano. Fortunately, this beautiful instrument is now enjoying a revival. For the first time in many years, new dulcimers are being built.
Today Reverend Carraway will be lecturing on, 'Pay Attention! The Universe is Communicating!'
TESTIMONIAL CIRCLE: After the service, everyone is invited to join an informal testimonial circle, where participants share how they are living positivity and love in their daily lives. Bring miracles, large & small. Or just come and be present in the sharing.
DECEMBER 15TH: MYSTERY SOUND MEDITATION. Virtually everything on Earth vibrates. All matter consists of atomic material which is in constant motion. This motion generates frequencies, which then generate sound. Designed by Arin Wiscomb and William Rogg, this meditation has the potential to break up emotional, physiological and spiritual blockages. Join us as we activate our sound codes and explore the mystery within.
GUEST LECTURE BY DR. LAURA ENFIELD. Dr. Laura Enfield has been studying personal growth for over 30 years. She has been a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist for over 17 years. The intersection between personal growth and naturopathic medicine is highly related and one she brings forward in her practice and personal life. Outside of the clinic she loves music singing and performing, cooking, and being in nature and with friends. Today Dr. Laura will lecture on ‘Your Guide to Living in the Future.'
DECEMBER 21ST: WINTER SOLSTICE, the beginning of Winter, the shortest day occurring at 1:19 a.m. PST.
DECEMBER 22ND: WINTER HOLIDAY CELEBRATION! Join our celebration of the magic of the season! Today Reverend Carraway will deliver a trance Holiday address, preceded by the special holiday brass ensemble, trumpet and trombone, provided by Sumi Nagasawa and Eric Leong’s talented students.
Healing Community: Beginning at 9:45 during our meditation, please tune into your realm of perfection and release your concerns and receive the benefit perfection has to offer you. The Rodan Foundation holds prayer for our List of Divine Fulfillment, a list of recognition. It is so named because our community praises and recognizes the outpicturing of love and perfection in the lives of those on the list. If you wish to participate with our List, we invite you to place the names & situations for which you desire help in our healing basket on our greeter’s table.
Testimonial Circle: On the second Sunday of the month, everyone is invited to join an informal testimonial circle, where participants share how they are living positivity and love in their daily lives. Bring miracles, large & small. Or just come and be present in the sharing.
The Haven: The Spiritual Evolution Class: Channeled through the mediumship of Reverend Carraway, the Tuesday evening class provides an in-depth opportunity to experience expanding awareness of self and life. It is an ongoing flow of revelation designed to promote personal awakening and responsibility, transformation and empowerment. For more information, please speak with Reverend Carraway after the service.
The I Love Me Meditation Series: is now available on Insight Timer – a meditation website and app with millions of meditations available to listen to for free! Every time one of our meditations is played, a donation is sent to The Foundation. You can give financially to The Rodan Foundation, just by listen-ing to the meditations. Sounds like a win-win for sure! You can also greatly support us by giving us stars, and commenting, and sharing the meditations on social media. Please Spread the word and share with others.**
Our Community Love Offertory for the Month of December
Supports the Chronicle's Season of Sharing
“For families and individuals, there are the everyday setbacks that can spin normal life into poverty and homelessness. In these cases, a small donation can make a difference. This has been the approach of the Season of Sharing since 1986. Over the years, nearly $206 million has been donated, 63 million meals have nourished families and individuals, and 185,000 households have been helped. All those dollars have been distributed to provide direct assistance in nine Bay Area counties.
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You can also visit our support page to make a tax-deductable donation directly to The Rodan Foundation.
Reverend Carraway is available for spiritual counseling, Jin Shin Do sessions, as well as for ceremonies marking mile stones in life. For more information, please see him after the Sunday service at The Metaphysical Church of Enlightenment or contact us.