the haven
The Rodan Foundation's Spiritual Evolution Class

Photo credit: "ESA/Hubble"
The Spiritual Evolution Class provides an in-depth opportunity to experience expanding awareness of self and life. It is an ongoing flow of revelation designed to promote personal awakening, personal responsibility, transformation, and empowerment.
This weekly class, held in Burlingame, California for more than thirty eight years, is a channeled connection to the Emissaries of Light who bring forth information as enlightenment to awakening humanity. These channeled teachings are presented in a peaceful and loving environment allowing all present to learn more about themselves and life.
The teachings are available as monthly correspondent lessons. Lessons are also available in German and are taught in Frankfurt, Germany. For more information regarding English or German lessons, please contact our offices.
The following YouTube video is a trance lecture of Dr. Foster working through the mediumship of Rev. Clarke Carraway.
An Excerpt From The Spiritual Evolution Class Lesson, April 16, 2018
Awakening. That's what's happening in whatever stage you find yourself, from completely unknowing it to feeling the shift occur in you as waves of light and love pass through you: Cleansing, clearing, healing. To finding this affecting you to where this clearing, cleansing, healing takes place within the recesses of your own mind. You, who you truly are is involved in this experience. For it could not happen any other way. All this can help lead you to the light and that is to the light within you. But it is you who awakens, who it dawns upon, that the light is you. Sometimes this happens in the twinkling of an eye. But as it has been occurring on your planet, it's been through successive lifetimes. To where now, in this current incarnation, you find yourself at deeper levels desiring for something better in your life that what you've grown accustomed. Some have called this divine discontentment and when it’s seen with a little light shining on it, it registers, “Yes, I have been discontented, I have not been happy with me, my life, however, or whatever ways I realized it.”
So, here you are here with us tonight. Not by chance. You might could say that this also is a part of the divine. Looking at it from this way, you see divine design that you in yourself come to a place of desiring light, love, clarity, joy, peace, inner harmony. All of these are frequencies. They vibrate and their vibration when they become alive in you resonate with your true nature. If it has been a while since you've experienced them to any great depth, they can seem foreign and yet at the same time, so familiar, but that familiarity seems to lie deep within you just beyond the reach of your current awareness.
So, begins awakening. As often is the case and it looks like that's the case with many of you, it's waking up, getting a glimpse, reveling in the glimpse, recognizing in the glimpse something else of you, and then going back to sleep. But each time you wake up something about you is stirred. You begin to feel a growing certainty that this has to do with your destiny, so to speak. You get a feeling that something about you is about to happen, and you feel that stirring you from the inside out. You notice a shift taking place in your awareness and there seems to be an increase of light in your awareness. Things don't seem to be quite as dim or as dull. Energies that you have been feeling for a long time are starting to shift. New brighter energies are beginning to announce themselves at the threshold of your awakening awareness.
Who you believed yourself to be now comes forward and you're starting to see that your other than this belief self. This happens on the path, in the current, in the flow of awakening. You find yourself being attracted to others of light, others of love, others who seem to radiate kindness, goodness, generosity and a capacity to enjoy life. This stirs you. It's a part of the awakening because this is who you truly are being recognized by you the awakening one. As you continue in your awakening you'll find that you move from shades of darkness to shades of gray, from shades of gray to brighter and brighter light, and the light begins to reveal itself in its colors. The rainbow begins to appear to you in you and about you, as you find yourself choosing to raise your rates of vibration.
An Excerpt From The Spiritual Evolution Class Lesson, September 11, 2018
What is happening since last we were together until now? Well, the energy has changed. The light has grown brighter and the dark has grown darker. To where if you're not paying attention to the light, you're going to be absorbed by the dark. That's exactly the design of dark right now. It is to get your attention in every way that it works. Of course, the main channel through which it works is your ego. Gets you to where you become prideful, arrogant, rude, mindless, listless, distracted, anxious, fearful, worried, concerned, bitter, jealous, envious, and most of all, afraid.
If we shift the scene from words to energy, you get a feel for what I'm speaking, but in order to better describe what's happening from the light perspective, you need to shift your focus to color. That's why I mentioned to you about the browns and the grays. These are indicative of rates of vibration at certain levels where those reality experiences occur. You swear to God that things are the way that they are because you're seeing them that way. The reason you're seeing them that way is because you are choosing to operate on those levels of vibration. Sometimes it can help you to begin to look to and for shades of colors. White light pierces through, shines through, radiates through any and all other dense frequencies, no matter how dense they may be.
Right now, your planet earth is being radiated with the white light of transformation, is being illumined by the pink light of love. These two primaries, so far as what energies are being broadcast to you from the center of your galaxy are working in harmony with the other light color vibrations to bring about transformation on your planet, with your planet and all those who are presently a part of the planet's family, that includes you.
is present. It is right now radiating in this very moment in which I am
speaking. These very powerful rays are filling this space, filling the space
outside this room, filling the space everywhere on the planet through the planet
and the deep subterranean levels and the higher atmospheres. These energies are
being generated and radiated. So what's
your experience? Your experience is going to reveal the level of color that
you're operating in.
An Excerpt From The Spiritual Evolution Class Lesson, Week of November 23, 2015
Love is always, and it is always here no matter where your here may be. You in your awareness, as you open yourself to love, are going to discover in your discernment love as it is radiating from your planet. You’ll pick up on the love that Mother Earth is radiating. You’ll pick it up in the atmosphere. You’ll pick it up in the other persons who are here. You can pick it up in the cells of your body because everything generates love. The more you open yourself to love the more you discover love. In your going out into nature you’re going to experience love being generated by the trees, by the plants, by the animals, by the birds, by the inanimate, the very earth itself. You’ll be able to pick up on the love in the atmosphere, the air, and the sky, and the clouds, and the moon, and the stars and the planets, and the ethers. Because everything, everywhere love is. As you allow yourself to be present with this experience you can then begin to find within you the urging, the moving for you to generate love inside yourself and so do. Choose now to generate love inside yourself to meet the love that is radiating. As you generate it that other part of you who is the observer witnesses your connection.
You notice that this has taken place in the present. Your ego has, at this time, brought in other thoughts and feelings. Your tendency, of course, is to become distracted by those, but realize there in that vibrational space also is love that you can open yourself to and connect with love in that space. Instead of being distracted by the activity. For the sake of education and experiencing, let us now venture into your past; anywhere you would like to go with anyone. Let yourself recall, remember and whatever feelings and scenes come up and realize love is there. Choose to open yourself to love. If your rational mind is interfering and saying, “Well how can that be?” Then realize love is there too. Choose to open yourself to love that you would otherwise separate yourself from by remembering the past. Failing to realize love it there. There is nowhere love is not. If you choose to open yourself to love wherever you may be your experience, to the degree that you open yourself to love, there will be love. If you choose to generate love to meet love then you’re going to have as your experience that your observer will take in.
All the futurizing that you find you do, and in most instances it is, again, ego. Let yourself now go into your future. Think of something that you know is going to happen. Perhaps you are anticipating it, perhaps you’re dreading it. In whatever feelings you are generating, and in whatever you are seeing, open yourself to love for there is love. There is no midst of anything wherein is not love. Love is everywhere all the time. You have operated for so long under the misconception that love did not exist unless you called upon it. It is that which allows all things to be. Once you begin to open yourself to love in and through all things, in and through whatever time, love is going to be your experience. When you choose to generate love to meet it then you are making a conscious connection that is a part of your evolution.
you find yourself going stupid love is there. So when it dawns on you
that you’re stupid, realize love is right there and choose to open
yourself to love. Develop this focus. So here we are in love
communicating and our communication is love speaking to itself and love
hearing itself, and love opening to itself and generating itself to meet
An Excerpt From The Spiritual Evolution Class Lesson, Week of October 19, 2015
Many of you are afraid of humility because you are afraid that if you get humble, then you are going to be taken advantage of. You are going to lose your edge. Others are going to look at you and say, “Ah ha, someone I can jerk around.” The fact of the matter is, love has, as a part of its inner dimensional being-ness, humility. You are going to notice as you grow in living love, that love will bring to your inner attention, you don’t have to prove yourself. If someone else comes to you with the need to prove themselves, or to make themselves look better, love will give you an inner sense of security and well-being that will then translate into your allowing the other to be whatever way they, in the moment, feel they need to be.
With it will come a stretching of your current awareness that will allow you to realize, all paths lead to the one. While you may, in the moment, see a difference in another’s choice, you will look again and realize that path is leading to the one just as mine is. If you find there’s that part of you that says, “Yes, but, yes, but,” you can then em-brace your ego and say, “It’s alright. We’re learning to live love, and love is allowing.” Perhaps somewhere along the way it will also dawn within you, you have no idea what that other person is living inside themselves that is stimulating them, motivating them, to act the way they are acting. In that it can certainly affect you in a positive way of being less inclined towards judgment. Unless, of course, it just can’t be helped, and (chuckles) they just reveal themselves as so stupid, you have to proclaim it. Some of you missed the humor of that. (Laughter.) You took that very seriously. It must be some form of identification I picked up on. Isn’t it incredible that all of these billions of beings of light and love can be so stupid? (Laughter.) Yes, I like your honesty. That notion has crossed the ethers many times.
An Excerpt From The Spiritual Evolution Class Lesson, Week of October 5, 2015
Then other things come up such as vulnerability. Just the mention of that word and a part of
you starts quivering. (Chuckles.) Well, that’s part of your ego. That’s because your ego feels that it will
not be taken care of if you experience vulnerability. This is where you need to step in and say, “I
love you. I really love you. I love me.”
Notice how it begins to relax. The
more you have this as the theme of communication with your ego, the more
together you’re going to be. That’s
really important, dear ones, for you to be together in yourself when life
presents itself to you. How valuable
that is for you will then be able to, with a greater sense of ease, allow
yourself to feel vulnerable. It will
begin to dawn on you in you with you that vulnerable is essential for your
progression. As long as you try to go
forward and progress armored up (get a feel for that now), you’re not going to
make it because you have to shed that armoring.
You have to let it go. You’ll
want to let it go because you realize it is preventing you from progressing. It isn’t necessary where you’re going.
That’s the seeming disguise of vulnerability. It approaches you as it is, but your projection of your fear upon it causes you to see it as a threat. So you’re seeing the threat instead of the promise. When you get with ego, and you let ego know, “I love you, and it’s okay. We’re going to do this together, and it’s good.” Then you step into vulnerability and on the other side where you just left, all that armoring is going to fall to the ground and begin to lose it intensity of frequency and eventually, like ice, melt and finally vaporize and disappear entirely. But you won’t be worried about that because you won’t be paying attention to it. It will be happening because you let it go. What you will be paying attention to is the gathering excitement that begins to build up in you as you move further and further into this new dimension, allowing yourself to be vulnerable. What does that really translate into? You allow yourself to be you. That’s a discovery in itself, and it’s awaiting you.
An Excerpt From The Spiritual Evolution Class Lesson, September 11, 2018
What is happening since last we were together until now? Well, the energy has changed. The light has grown brighter and the dark has grown darker. To where if you're not paying attention to the light, you're going to be absorbed by the dark. That's exactly the design of dark right now. It is to get your attention in every way that it works. Of course, the main channel through which it works is your ego. Gets you to where you become prideful, arrogant, rude, mindless, listless, distracted, anxious, fearful, worried, concerned, bitter, jealous, envious, and most of all, afraid.
If we shift the scene from words to energy, you get a feel for what I'm speaking, but in order to better describe what's happening from the light perspective, you need to shift your focus to color. That's why I mentioned to you about the browns and the grays. These are indicative of rates of vibration at certain levels where those reality experiences occur. You swear to God that things are the way that they are because you're seeing them that way. The reason you're seeing them that way is because you are choosing to operate on those levels of vibration. Sometimes it can help you to begin to look to and for shades of colors. White light pierces through, shines through, radiates through any and all other dense frequencies, no matter how dense they may be.
Right now, your planet earth is being radiated with the white light of transformation, is being illumined by the pink light of love. These two primaries, so far as what energies are being broadcast to you from the center of your galaxy are working in harmony with the other light color vibrations to bring about transformation on your planet, with your planet and all those who are presently a part of the planet's family, that includes you.
It is present. It is right now radiating in this very moment in which I am speaking. These very powerful rays are filling this space, filling the space outside this room, filling the space everywhere on the planet through the planet and the deep subterranean levels and the higher atmospheres. These energies are being generated and radiated. So what's your experience? Your experience is going to reveal the level of color that you're operating in.