The Love Awakening

Photo credit: "ESA/Hubble"
The Love Awakening is a wonderful extension of The Rodan Foundation's community, where through love-filled volunteer efforts, we live acts of kindness for The Earth and her inhabitants and offer educational tools and resources to help people to love and accept themselves, each other and their lives.
Our mission is to assist humanity in awakening to the power of love and to lovingly assist humanity's awakening.
Our intention is to help others to help themselves awaken to who they truly are though powers and abilities they have. Our vision is of the collective awakening of humanity, bringing forth harmony and unity for all.
You are invited to join us in this beautiful experiment and discover for yourself, as together we learn and grow in the ways of living love and loving life.
We have meditation classes available in person and as CD's and MP3, and many opportunities for you to share with us as we engage in activities such as fun and lively sing-alongs to spread joy to the elders at local retirement facilities, beach cleanups, food drives, fundraisers, healing fairs and much more. Please visit our main website for more information.